Wine DSGn Thinking®, a unique method

Design Thinking is a unique method that puts the consumer and user at the center of the product and service development process. Companies like Zara, Apple or Google use it to generate innovative ideas that solve problems and consumer needs. Its applicability is limited only by our own imagination.

Design Thinking is a process that combines the creative freedom and sensitivity of people within a work team, relying on industrial design processes. Its main characteristics are the following:

  1. The use of empathy: this human quality serves to understand the wishes, problems and needs of the users of products and services, in order to satisfy them.
  2. Teamwork: the ideas, points of view, experiences, interpretations and internal mechanisms of every human being adds up in this process.
  3. Testing: through the generation of prototypes, since every idea must be validated before it is launched to the market.

At ANTIGVA we decided to transfer this methodology to the world of wine, using it to make wines that we call ‘designed’, since they are actually designed and made in order to satisfy the wishes and desires of wine lovers around the world. We would call it Wine DSGn Thinking®.

It was through the demand of one of our main importers that we understood that the wishes of those who love wine cannot be conditioned by the limitations of their trusted winery. If we wanted to keep our friend’s love, we had to turn something impossible, to something possible. And we did it by adapting Design Thinking to our business, in 5 phases:

  1. We empathize with his needs and desires. Through active listening, putting ourselves in his shoes, we understood his demand…
  2. … To elaborate a definition that would compile all the information that he had transmitted to us, and consequently the characteristics of the wine he had imagined…
  3. We gathered ideas as a team, those that could bring us closer to the solution we were looking for, both in the what’s and the how’s.
  4. And we got into work. We searched, found, negotiated, collaborated, until we gathered all the necessary elements and synergies with agronomists, oenologists and winemakers that would allow us to prototype the desired wine.
  5. With the first production still unlabeled, we set out to meet our client for the testing phase, also know among us as “tasting”. This was the most rewarding moment, and in which we were able to consider the path traveled as a success.

Here we begin a period of reflection that we used to fine-tune the methodology. From the innovation in industrial design, we had found a work process that we could adapt to our activity. The design and winemaking of the wines we imagined, that would be impossible for us to make with our land and vineyards, could become a reality.

Since then, it has been our desire to make this unique method that we call Wine DSGn Thinking® grow to share it with you and every wine lover around the world, making it the most democratic way to produce, but also to enjoy and celebrate the world of wine.

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Si un ANTIGVA no te satisface, cuéntanos por qué y te lo reemplazaremos sin coste alguno.

© 2022 ANTIGVA

EFE Enterprises Co SL ha sido beneficiaria del Fondo Europeo de Desarrolla Regional cuyo objetivo es mejorar la competitividad de las Pymes y gracias al cual ha puesto en marcha un Plan de marketing Digital Internacional con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores durante el año 2022. para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE DIGITAL de la Cámara de Comercio de Valencia.

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